Wednesday, March 31, 2010

For the love of things that no man hath seen is great, when he hath acquired those things their greatness no longer shines.

Today was the second day of the LAST quarter I will spend as a nursing student. My journey through this major has been long and extremely stressful. I am excited to be finishing my degree but at the same time I am scared to finally be going out into the real work force. I mean, yes, I have been working as a fast food manager for the last almost six years. I don't really see that as a career. That was mainly just a stint that helped pay the bills so that I could remain in school. I am comfortable at that job because I know what I am doing but I do not want to be there.

Outside of school life has still had its ups and downs. On March 21st 2010, my great grandfather died. He was a good man and I will miss him so much! I am happy though at the same time because he is in a much better place right now.

I still have a lot of drama with my friends. I consider a couple of my friends to be true friends but there is one that to me is more superficial, and I wish it were not that way. Game night has come to an end due to this.

I have started working out at the YMCA and I have been faithfully going 3x a week for I think almost 3 weeks. So not very long, but it is a start.

Well, I must be off to work and then on to writing my resume, doing reading for school and then either updating my website or cleaning the house.
